Monday, January 2, 2012

Biomarkers: 10 Determinants of Aging You Can Control

Biomarkers: 10 Determinants of Aging You Can ControlIn order to avoid any misinterpretation of the phrase " indicators of fate", the book's title has been changed to read "Directions - Co-Determinants of Fate". And you, dear reader, will soon discover that this correctly defines the nature and purpose of the directions; for the directions, with their cosmic roots and in their co-determinantive capacity, are life companions along with many other circumstances, conditions and influences shaping human destiny.... The stars are not the dictators of human destiny, The stars are rather celestial signs Showing possibilities and bounds, time and tendency, Man himself is the controller of his fate. --- excerpts from book's Preface

Price: $21.95

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Perinatal Programming: Early Life Determinants of Adult Health & Disease

Perinatal Programming: Early Life Determinants of Adult Health & Disease

Perinatal factors are critical in the 'programming' of behavioral, endocrine and immunologic outcomes of adult life. Exposure to many factors in utero can drive fetal development along specific trajectories. Perinatal factors can also affect many diverse systems that have significant implications for long-term health outcomes. The findings from basic research are so diverse and suggest implications in many different arenas. Bringing together these findings, this book explores the evidence linking the role of early life events to long-term physical and psychological health outcomes. It pulls the research together and communicates the findings to the wider scientific and clinical communities.

Price: $199.95

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Sunday, January 1, 2012

Understanding Health: A Determinants Approach

Understanding Health: A Determinants ApproachUnderstanding Health: A Determinants Approach contains a wealth of challenging and engaging topics that, all together, clearly explain the frameworks of health. It investigates the determinants of health-social, political, cultural, environmental, biological and economic-from a range of perspectives relevant to both students and practitioners. Current and emerging developments in public health are covered extensively, to prepare students to challenge conventions and work for change within the health sector.

Price: $85.00

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Learning and Individual Differences: Process, Trait, and Content Determinants

Learning and Individual Differences: Process, Trait, and Content Determinants...draws together an interdisciplinary collection of work from many of the world's most important researchers in the field...covers the latest in cognitive, experimental, instructional, and personality psychology.

Price: $24.95

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Energy Metabolism: Tissue Determinants and Cellular Corollaries

This volume explores the relationship of energy metabolism to clinical nutrition and presents insights on energy stores, energy balance and regulation of energy metabolism during the altered metabolic condition of patients in intensive care. Investigators in diverse fields discuss their findings on indirect calorimetry, energy requirements and storage, neurohormonal and muscle tissue influences on thermogenesis, and cellular energy expenditure. Emphasis is placed on linking concepts of nutritional support, nitrogen balance, and weight loss with current knoweldge of cellular energetics and energy balance. The book provides a scientific foundation for major advances in the therapeutic use of clinical nutrition based on application of appropriate fuel mixes and substrates to sustain metabolism and cellular function.

Price: $80.50

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